Stories Sheet Music - Complete Bundle — Chrysanthe Tan

Stories Sheet Music - Complete Bundle

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Stories Sheet Music - Complete Bundle


A bundled zip file of the sheet music for all 14 notated songs from the Stories album. Score and individual parts for each song included. 124 pages total.

Bonus: Purchase of the complete collection comes with a complimentary 45-minute Skype coaching on any of the pieces. Complimentary digital download of the album also available upon request (please contact me with your order confirmation #).

Song list:

  1. A New Start (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  2. Arabesque (four hands piano)
  3. Impressions (piano, violin, viola)
  4. Ithaca (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  5. Lake Huron (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  6. Magic Lady (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  7. Paper Flowers (piano, violin, viola)
  8. Process of Forgetting (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  9. Retrospect (piano and cello)
  10. Road Tripping (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  11. Shincha (piano, violin, viola)
  12. Spinning Wheel (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  13. Unfolding (piano, violin, viola, cello)
  14. White Lilies (piano, violin, viola, cello)
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